Friday, August 29, 2014

In college

My son is safely delivered to college and just finished his first week.

The good news is that the support does continue in college.  It is very important to look at the learning differences support services when looking at colleges.  It doesn't do any good to get your heart set on a college and the find out that it does not have good support.  There are some colleges that are known for specific programs and support for these types of learners - be sure to do the research but here are a couple:

University of New Haven
University of Arizona
Landmark College in Vermont (where I would have wanted to go to!)
University of Conneticut


  1. That is awesome! We're using with out 9 year old this year. It looks practical and affordable!

  2. I work for Lyfebulb and we would love to share Dyslexia stories please email me
