Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It is all how you spin it.

I was talking with a mom recently about how she was going to tell her 9 year old son that he needed to be tested for a learning disability. And she was terrified about telling him.

I didn't understand that because to me the more data that I have that can help me address the issues, the more efficient I will be and the easier my daughter's journey will become.

My message her is that testing is not a bad thing nor is anything else....its all how you spin it.

Here is how you spin testing:

* Testing allows you to identify exactly where and why you are struggling and then we can spend our time specifically working on those areas - instead of guessing and making everyone frustrated.
* Testing will let us understand how YOU learn best. Because all people learn differently,
* Testing will highlight your strengths! And then we can make sure you get lots of experiences in the areas you have strengths in.
* Testing will give us - as a team- the information we need to help you.

This tells the child that they are unique and can learn, that they have strengths and that they are not in this alone!

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